Thursday, April 7, 2011

How to attract a Narcissistic, Borderline, Psychotic, or Chemically addicted/dependent partner

Whenever a person tells me, "The only men who ever ask me out are alcoholic/narcissistic", I always ask them to tell me what their methods of interpersonal communication are. I am constantly shocked that they are surprised. To attract an undesirable mate, follow these easy steps:
1. Send a man/woman you are interested in all the signals that you are interested (making frequent, prolonged eye contact, light touches, asking personal questions) but when he/she walks up to you to start a conversation or ask you out, send him/her signals you aren't interested (turn your body away, ignore him/her, say, "no thanks", or "I'm actually taking a break from dating right now")

 2. After doing the above, if you do give him/her your number (because secretly, honestly, you are interested) and they call,text you, don't respond at all, or if you do, wait more than 24 hrs, and then only give one word responses.

3. Don't do what you tell him/her you are going to do.

 If someone is STILL trying to pursue you at this point, congratulations, he/she is Narcissistic, Borderline, Psychotic, or Chemically addicted/dependent....because seriously?! No healthy, quality person would want you or put up with that shit! It drives me crazy when people say they are turned on by "a challenge" and those people who put up with that or act this way are more desirable.....what, like a relationship with this "challenge" is going to last? My sweet sister and her sweet husband divorced after 10 years, and they were easy sweet people. Relationships are hard enough...don't be dumb too.


  1. Many people behave the above way...and many people pursue them anyway. Both parties are unhealthy on some level, definitely low self esteem, but perhaps they have one of the above more serious issues. Just avoid playing games, be sincere, authentic, and have firm boundaries, and you will easily above those with the above issues.
