Friday, January 21, 2011

non exclusivity

Does life work according to the law of attraction as taught in The Secret? Or does it work according to present mindedness (mindfulness), as taught by many, including Eckarte Tolle? Is it an either or thing? Well, if you listen to, or read, a proponent of the law of attraction, they'll tell you that you create your own reality, and that you can make anything come to pass. If you listen to, or read, a mindfulness guru, they will say that you can make anything undesirable go away by simply staying in the present moment. In fact it's nearly impossible to have a rational conversation with either for this reason: they have personal experience that their way works. How can you argue with that?

I offer a different scenario: they both work, at different times, for different people, according to the overall theme and purpose of your life. For instance, I have known people that were able to manifest amazing things into their lives; therefore I know it's true. I have also known people that stay blissfully peaceful by living in the present moment; therefore I know that this too is true. What I am looking for is someone like me: who has had times in their life when they were able to manifest what they wanted, but can do so no longer for reasons I'll get into later, and who were able to stay peaceful by living in the present moment but then reached a point of stagnation because there are some powerful subconscious roadblocks, and must now live in awareness of the past, present and future.

I got tired of the exclusivity I found in organized religions so I explored some non traditional, mythical, or new age spiritualities. What I experienced was a spirituality that knocked organized religion for its adherence to dogma and exclusivity, while at the same time clung tightly to the teachings in their book and claimed that it was THE truth. I'm searching to surround myself with non exclusive thinkers:)


  1. Oh Court, we all go through this searching. What is primordial is the moment that God, Himself floods your being with intelligence that is undeniable. That moment is available to all, believer and unbeliever. I was an atheist when that moment came. Truth is simple, it is eternal.
    reincarnation is...NOT. Been there, done that.

  2. BTW, Today is the 26th anniversary of that moment. How's that for Serendipity? Ah, yes, God loves us ALL. I will have to tell you that story sometime...when you come to visit us. Smooches, too!!
